Enhancing Building Efficiency and Budgeting Through Energy Audits: A Guide to Local Law 87 and ASHRAE Level II Audits


Green Potential has recently launched a service offering ASHRAE level II audits (and Local Law 87 audits). Our goal is to make these critical audits more accessible and cost-effective. Furthermore, if the building opts for it, we can collaborate with NYSERDA to leverage incentives and provide a 3rd party verification of quality for the buildings undergoing these audits while providing a cut in cost between 50-75% of the original cost. 

The benefits of these audits are substantial, especially for buildings like yours:

  • Project Planning and Execution: The audit gives the building owner or manager the confidence and knowledge to decide which recommended upgrades are feasible and how much savings they can generate. This helps enable the planning and execution of building projects with a comprehensive understanding of the costs involved.
  • Local Law 97 Compliance: The audit helps you navigate through the compliance landscape of Local Law 97 with ease and speed. Allowing you to understand which projects will affect LL97 compliance.
  • Securing Loans: Assisting in obtaining loans with financial needs accurately gauged from the audits.

At Green Potential, we specialize in delivering independent audits and subsequently connecting clients with the right vendors, providing you with the information you need to move forward and ensure success, while maximizing transparency and eliminating any conflict of interest. 

We work with ownership by providing education while advocating for action and help utilize incentives and create savings by lowering overall energy costs.


Energy audits are crucial for identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce operational costs in buildings. They provide a systematic approach to examining how buildings consume energy and propose measures to enhance performance and sustainability. More than just approaching this as a way to understand the energy efficiency of your building, we use this audit to help you with understanding longevity of your mechanical systems, using the numbers to help secure financing and working with your property manager for project planning and execution. We are going to provide an overview of the two audits that you can currently apply for NYSERDA’s FlexTech Incentives.

What is Local Law 87?

Local Law 87 mandates energy audits and retro-commissioning for most buildings in New York City that are bigger than 50,000 sq ft. This law requires subject buildings to undergo a comprehensive evaluation of energy usage and operational systems. This audit needs to be performed once every 10 years. But, you can do it up to 3 years earlier, i.e. if your audit is due in 2024, 2025, 2026, you can perform a local law 87 audit this year (2024) to help you budget for your near future and utilize incentives available today. This audit, while covered, small portions of the audit may not qualify for FlexTech. Reach out to us and we can help you figure out an estimate on your end cost.

What are ASHRAE Level II Audits?
ASHRAE Level II audits offer a detailed analysis of a building’s energy consumption, identifying cost-effective measures for energy savings. Unlike Local Law 87, these audits are not bound by specific legal requirements and can be applied to any building seeking to optimize energy use. Most of the building owners we talk to say why do this audit if we don’t care about energy efficiency. The question we ask them is: do you care about saving money?

Performing this audit will allow you to assess which projects have the best potential to benefit you (save energy costs and help comply with LL97), many of which can utilize incentives. A Level II energy audit can estimate how much money you can save in the future. The NYSERDA program, FlexTech, covers this audit anywhere from 50-75% of the total cost. Giving direction to save significant energy costs and comply with LL97 and utilizing incentives to have the State pay a significant portion of this. 


How can both of these audits help you?

Energy Conservation Measures

Both audits propose energy conservation measures (ECMs) tailored to a building’s specific needs. These can range from simple lighting upgrades to complex HVAC system optimizations. Implementing any of these ECMs can significantly reduce energy costs and improve building performance.

Retro-Commissioning and Its Impact

Local Law 87’s unique requirement for retro-commissioning involves fine-tuning existing systems to ensure they operate efficiently. This process not only enhances energy efficiency but also extends the lifespan of building systems, contributing to long-term capital and operational cost savings.

Budgeting Roadmap

Energy audits create a clear roadmap for future budgeting by identifying potential savings and prioritizing investments in energy efficiency. Building owners can use audit findings to make informed decisions on capital improvements, operational adjustments, and maintenance strategies, aligning energy-saving measures with financial planning.

Case Studies and Real-World Impact

Illustrative case studies of buildings that have undergone these audits reveal the tangible benefits of energy efficiency measures, from reduced energy bills to improved indoor environmental quality.


An energy audit, whether mandated by Local Law 87 or not, is an invaluable tool for smart building management, putting your building in a more competitive situation. They not only contribute to a building’s energy efficiency and compliance but also support strategic budgeting and long-term financial planning. Reach out to Green Potential and we can help you figure out an estimate on your end cost.

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